2015 Scholarship Award Recipients

By   June 16, 2015

At the June 2015 general meeting, John Rigert introduced and called up each recipient and their commercial sponsor to present the award.  In total, 7 scholarships were awarded this year. 


Recipients pictured left to right: Priya Mishra, Sebastian Niculescu, Charlene Abogado, 
Kaitlyn Sullivan, Conor Larkin, Kathryn Anderson, Gabrielle Goubran

Recipients have the following plans for study upon graduation:

Name Plans Sponsor
Priya Mishra attending Columbia University, studying Computer Science and Economics Delco Plaza
Sebastian Niculescu attending joint program between Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design, studying Mathematics and Sculpture Foodtown
Charlene Abogado attending Molloy College, studying Nursing Perfect Pharmacy
Kaitlyn Sullivan attending Oneonta, studying Psychology Perfect Pharmacy
Conor Larkin attending John Jay, studying Forensic Psychology Perillo Brothers
Kathryn Anderson attending Siena College, studying Education and Accounting HGCA
Gabrielle Goubran attending Hunter College, studying Theater and Economics HGCA

We’d like to thank all of our corporate sponsors for their generosity and their participation.  We’d also like to thank Hicksville High School Principal Raymond Williams for joining us to speak about the students’ accomplishments and community service.