Category Archives: Services

HGCA Thanks Volunteers for Flag Distribution

By   May 28, 2018

The Flag Committee would like to thank Nassau County Legislator Rose Marie Walker for donating the flags and our volunteers who placed flags in front of every house in our Hicksville Garden Civic Association area.

A special thank you to Hicksville High School Robotics Team (Ms. Temp and the J-Birds), Girl Scout Troops 3181, 3551 and 3361, our Jr. Firefighters, and Hicksville Congress of Teachers; Kyrstin Stehle,

Andrea Ferrara, Stefanie Cristina, Alison Silvestri, Laura Fanelli, Lia DiPaola, Jessica Ficke, Andrea
McAuley, Margaret Congero, Amanda Mayr, and Ryan Safonte, for helping our Civic honor the men and
women who died while serving our country on this American holiday. A job well done.

2017 Memorial Day Flags

By   June 1, 2017

Thanks to all for help this year in preparing the flags and distributing them to the community.

The Flag Distribution Committee would like to especially thank the volunteers who came out and distributed the 3000 flags.

Hicksville Junior Firefighters

Hicksville Robotics Team – The J Birds

HHS National Honors Society

Girl Scout Troop 3181

Daisy Troop 3361

Hicksville Teachers:

Alison LoGuidice, Jill Bove, Rob Casale, Andrea McAuley, Margaret Lehmann, Jennifer Stanzione, Kyrstin Stehle, Andrea Ferrara, Justina Ketyer

2015 Spring Cleanup

By   June 7, 2015

Despite some uncooperative weather the second time around, we still managed to get some folks out on June 6th to perform our annual cleanup out on South Broadway.  Thanks to all who participated!IMG_4611IMG_4607IMG_4614



Flag Distribution

By   May 24, 2015

On May 22nd and 23rd, flags were distributed to all homes within our borders in time for Memorial Day.  Special thanks to Michelle Iannuzzo and Girl Scout Troop 3155 for their huge help with the distribution.

LeaderwithChrisMiro,HicksvilleCivicAssoc.flagcoordinator IMG_0294

2014 HGCA Spring Cleanup

By   May 15, 2014

Pictured are HGCA members who volunteered for our Annual Spring Clean Up.  This year we again focused on cleaning up the following 2 areas:

  • The So. Broadway Triangle (So. Broadway & South Oyster Bay Road) and
  • The So. Broadway median across from Miyako Hibachi & Sushi Restaurant
