Streets & Sidewalks
Prohibited Obstructions: Code of the Town of Oyster Bay – Section § 205-3
No person who is the owner, occupant or lessee of any premises abutting on any street, road, highway or parkway in the unincorporated area of the Town shall place, keep, permit or suffer to be placed or kept on any sidewalk in front of, adjoining or adjacent to his premises any goods, wares, merchandise, boxes, barrels, display signs or material things of any kind or description, nor shall he in any manner obstruct any sidewalk or in any manner obstruct or interfere with the use of any sidewalk, but nothing contained in this section shall prevent persons from placing goods, wares, merchandise or household furniture on a sidewalk temporarily while loading or unloading it, if it is done without unnecessary delay and if such goods, wares or merchandise are not allowed or permitted to remain on the sidewalk for a longer period than one hour.
Accumulation of Snow or Ice: (Code of the Town of Oyster – Section § 205-2 [Amended 1-29-1980; 8-9-1988])
Each owner and occupant of any house or other building, and any owner or person entitled to possession of any vacant lot, and any person having charge of any church or any public building in the town shall keep the sidewalk in front of the lot or house free from obstruction by snow or ice and icy conditions, and shall at all times keep the sidewalk in good and safe repair and maintain it in a clean condition and free from filth, dirt, weeds or other obstructions or encumbrances, and such owner or occupant and each of them shall be liable for any injury or damage by reason of omission, failure or negligence to make, maintain or repair such sidewalk or for a violation or nonobservance of the ordinances relating to making, maintaining and repairing sidewalks, curbstones and gutters.
Accumulation of Materials: (Code of the Town of Oyster Bay – Section § 205-1)
No person shall cause or permit any accumulation of sand, gravel, cinders, topsoil, mud, earth or other materials to be placed, deposited, tracked or flowed upon any street or highway.