
Commercial Vehicle Parked in Roadway:  (Code of the Town of Oyster Bay – Chapter 233 – Sec. 17.63)

It shall be unlawful for any person to park or leave standing at any time any commercial vehicle or bus on any street, road or highway of the town in violation of any regulations where signs or markings giving notice thereof are posted, or to park or leave standing between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., any commercial vehicle on any street, road or highway of the town. This section shall not, however, prohibit any commercial vehicle from making deliveries of merchandise or providing service to the occupants of any premises located on any such street, road or highway.

(a) Commercial vehicle. The words “commercial vehicle” shall include any vehicle bearing a commercial, bus, farm, livery, school, spec commercial, taxi, t + lc,
tow truck, or tractor license plate, or, in the absence of said license plate, any vehicle with a seating capacity greater than nine (9) persons.

Display “FOR SALE” & Repairs in Roadway:  (NYS VTL – Article 32, Sub_Section: 1203, Sub (d))

No person regularly engaged in the sale or repair of vehicles shall park a vehicle upon any highway for the purpose of:

  1. Displaying such vehicle for sale.
  2. Greasing or repairing such vehicle, except for such repairs as may be necessitated by an emergency.